Children's Story Narration

Profile photo for Lisa Justine Hood
Not Yet Rated


A fun and upbeat reading of a favorite children's story \"The Bop\", recorded and edited in-house.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Danny swayed back and forth, singing into his toothbrush Rock, Baby rock, Rock up a baby hop hop bop to the beat and don't juiced up Good morning, Dad. Sue Dad's toes started tapping and the shaving cream started popping. Dad was snapping and tapping and shaving and waving to the beat of the bop. Megan and Danny jumped and bumped out of the apartment and down the hall. When the elevator door opened, Dr Vince, the dentist, said, Good morning, Megan and Danny jiggled and giggled and sang Rock, baby rock, rock, opera, baby hop, hop Bob to the beat and don't you stop! Good morning, Dr Vince. Dr Vince stared at them. Then his toes started to tap and the false teeth in his bag started to chatter and chomp to the beat of the bop.