Commercial Demo - English - Warm, Conversational, Real, Playful

Profile photo for Liz Fodor
Talent Online
Acheivement Badges Superstar
Television Ad


Natural, authentic, emotional, believable, young, mature, conversational, warm, quirky, funny, sincere, characters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh my God. I had like three of those the other day and by three, I mean 27. But who's counting? I'm sure not. Ok. A little bit. That's why I started. No, I'm taking the guess work out of my diet and letting science help me lose weight for good, good riddance, extra pounds. This is Dan and Stan. They're business partners. Dan has a dog named Stan and Stan has a dog named Cornelius. But that's not important right now. What is important is that Dan and Stan can keep track of every project all in one place. Nice work. every day. Animals are being subjected to neglect and abuse. The Humane Society of the United States stands on the front lines ready to provide aid when animals are most vulnerable. Yeah, me in numbers. We're not friends. So when I heard that turbotax offers free CPA guidance, I felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and now TurboTax is my friend. That's not sad. Is it? Sometimes there are no words or images, just a fragrance to capture the essence of love, capture the essence of you. OK? I got this just one not again, don't shrink to fit your clothes. Go to Taylor You alone have the power to save our oceans and everything in it, including those cute fuzzy baby seals with the big sad eyes and the dolphins with their sweet innocent smiles. Go to for details. Why is this music so sad.