Comedic Commercial (Conversational, Snarky, Sarcastic, Melodramatic, No-nonsense)

Radio Ad


Natural, regular joe, funny, comedic, snarky, bold, dry, sarcastic, deadpan, skeptical

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Elizabeth Data. What do you getting? Probably a subway club. You thinking? Whoa. Did that guy just win something like lettuce leaves? Look at that. Were coming back here tomorrow. Let me see. That's I mean, it's only a sweet, tumbling tomatoes. Get your own receipt. Subway. Eat fresh. This is you at 3 p.m. Hazy, useless, confused. Wait. Did you know? Yes, you did. Take back your afternoon. Hey there, tiger. It's springtime. It's warm, The sun is out, the birds are chirping and everything's in bloom. Well, almost everything. What am I talking about? Well, you keep wearing that bandanna everywhere. Someone might mistake you for an aging nineties rocker. Look, it's obvious you're losing your hair. Everyone knows it. So it's time to face the music. See what I did there. Look, you're still in good shape. You're easy on the eyes, and you dress well for the most parts. But come on, man. Put a bow on that package and feel the hair. America loves its helmets, but what America doesn't know is it's mayonnaise is going missing. Every year, America's precious mayonnaise gets trapped at the bottom of squeeze bottles at Hellman's alone. Over £1000 of mayonnaise went missing in 2014 enough to top 32,000 BLTs, or over 30,000 hamburgers. But now there's hope in the all moved home and squeeze a sleek new design freeing mawr of your precious mayor. Hellmann Squeeze, squeeze more out.