A book about self develpment



This is a book about how writing out every morning pages of thoughts can assist all of us get claryfication on our worries

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this morning, I realised I could love again. I could allow myself to be vulnerable. Annie, who is walking through a difficult divorce, tells me I was afraid I would always be closed off, but the pages helped me to open again. I'm so grateful. Whenever I get into trouble, I go back to the practise of morning pages. Alan, a corporate consultant, tells me, hearing him, I want to say, Why get into trouble at all? Why not use morning pages constantly and see if you can avoid getting into trouble? Morning pages are an early warning system that lets us know when danger is lurking near. The pages are quick to identify a funny feeling. We have just a hunch and intuition that something is wrong, and it is There's something maybe trouble in our relationship or at our job. It may be buried resentment, causing trouble between us and our sibling. Whatever it is, the pages will point out the problem. And if we let them move us towards a solution by doing morning pages as suggested, we actually win ourselves windows of time. Throughout the day. The pages take time. Let us say 20 to 40 minutes, but they also give us time back to us. Our days become our own. It is difficult to write pages and allow ourselves to be hijacked for someone else's agenda. This doesn't feel right. You will catch yourself thinking your pages teach you to honour such insights.