Medical Narration Demo-Pharmaceutical-Doctor-Authoritative

Video Narration


I brought forth my prior experience in the medical field, and connected to the copy by understanding the complex medical terms.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
broncho pulmonary dysplasia. BPD is considered present when there's need for supplemental oxygen in premature infants. Chest x rays initially showed diffuse haziness due to accumulation of executive fluid appearance, then becomes multi cystic. Every decision in the cath lab has an impact. When G first invented the cardiovascular flat panel detector. Our goal was to provide clinicians with tools to make informed decisions leading to excellent patient care, limb Fangio lie, oh my Oh mitosis is characterized by the presence of angio my diplomas and limb Fangio lie. Oh my omagh's resulting from abnormal cells exhibiting features of neo play asia in the lung kidney and axial lymph attics. Do not use a pickle in dogs less than 12 months of age or those with serious infections. A pickle may increase the chances of developing serious infections and make cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre existing cancers to get worse. The results of the patient's exceptional procedure returned as adenocarcinoma of the urethra. The patient decided to undergo radiation therapy and palliative care after given further surgical options by the urologic oncology team. This is jenny, jenny worries a lot and feels hopeless and motivated and sad. Jenny's depressed. Could these three things be connected worrying dreaming and depression? A new understanding of depression. To just they are stanford. Children's health operates at more than 60 Bay Area locations. But here is another way to think about it. It's one part bodyguard, one part super scientist and one part giant octopus for 60 tentacles, 725 stanford medical doctors across 60 Bay Area locations