Voice Over Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Lauren Pedersen
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Produced by Michael Meachem of Radio Garage Productions, this demo features radio commercials and a public service announcement.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
behind the counter and on the front lines of health care. Who do physicians call for expert advice on medications? Pharmacists. Who does the FDA rely on to establish best practice pay? Remember Mom's apple pie? Remember when she used to put a big scoop of vanilla ice cream right on top? You could bring back those days and that wonderful taste with Borden's golden vanilla ice cream. Bordens Borrowed. Arrested. We have grown from a tiny single location West Virginia company to a present day financially strong multi location industry leader listed on the New York Stock Exchange. My kids all they care about is peanut butter, so I make sure they get the best peanut butter. You know, I wasn't sure there was a best until I opened the three leading brands and discovered Jeff smells more like fresh peanuts. That's how I know Jeff. No wonder doctors recommend Advil for muscle aches more than any other non prescription brand. Advil advanced medicine for pain