Audiobook Sample 1: Shallow Water (Point Redwood, Book 1)



A mystery, romance, thriller with a strong female lead and a healthy does of sarcasm. Female lead talking with mother.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I picked up the Daily Mendocino Independent on the table, smiling at the feel of a real old fashioned newspaper in my hand and scanned the front page headlines of the open B section. County Fair was in full swing. Don't miss the FAA auction, expect higher gas prices prepare for another drought. I flipped it back to the front page. The tidal wave of memories barreled toward me. I scanned the article and chills scuttled up my spine. Mom came shuffling into the kitchen, her little walker scraping across the linoleum. Her fuzzy cotton robe looked comically regal, engulfing her frail frame, but I couldn't find laughter. Morning Clara, did you get some coffee? I've been up for a while so it might be cold. She stopped everything. All right, dear. Looks like you've seen a ghost. Not far off mom. I didn't answer right away. My eyes went back to the paper point redwood California local teen girl found dead on Brauner beach. Have you seen this? I asked. Mom bit her lip nervously, then said, mm, Oh yes, terrible thing. So sad. Mom moved to take a seat at the kitchen table across from me. She reached for a section of the paper and went about reading as if a bomb hadn't just gone off in my gut. Brown. Her beach. I said almost under my breath. Mom pursed her lips and instinctively averted her pale blue eyes. Very sad. That's all you have to say. This has nothing to do with Ruthie honey. That was many years ago in an instant. I was back there. Back on that beach. Ruthie's vacant eyes staring up at the pale moon. Sean falling into me as his shouts shattered the still small hours of the summer night. I pressed my eyes closed. This couldn't be happening again. Who hates this town that much?