Audiobook - narration plus dialogue between two male characters

Profile photo for Lu Banks
Not Yet Rated


This excerpt from the book \"Finding a Champion\" features the voice of narrator, young girl, and two male horse characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when milo stepped off the trailer, the sun was already going down, but Claire led him to a small pasture where he ran and snorted, stretching his legs and releasing some of the pent up energy of a long day of travel. When he settled she brought him into the barn where he would spend his first night. Don't worry, you won't be alone, milo, and the stall is just for tonight. One of the other horses, Zeus has to stay in so he'll keep you company tomorrow, you can meet the other horses in your herd. The shavings were thick and the hay smelled fresh and sweet. Milo found the water and took a long drink before taking a few turns in his stall and having a nice role shaking off, he headed to the window to meet his new neighbor. A gentle, low knicker greeted him from the other side of the bars. A knicker he recognized almost immediately. Toby is that you milo tossed his head up and down ears forward. Zeus walked closer to the window and I'd milo cautiously before softening his face and blowing gently towards the big building. Toad. Is that you? I was afraid the auction had been the end for you. What have you been up to all these years? And I go by Zeus now. Pretty fancy. Right. It's me, but I go by milo now. I guess I've been doing what I said. I wanted to do, learn, I've learned lots of fancy stuff and been to shows, but that part was easy. The hardest thing I've learned is that I'm not supposed to do it on my own.