Video Narration - Aphanomyces Whiteboard - Confident - Articulate

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Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Video Narration - Aphanomyces Explainer - Confident - Articulate

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
A fan of Mrs root rock continues to be a top concern for growers of pulse crops across the prairies. This aggressive pathogen causes severe root damage, preventing the uptake of water and nutrients, which can lead to plant death and diminished shield pea and lentil crops are most susceptible to a fan of MRS infection, suffering severe symptoms, especially when multiple infection with other root rot pathogens occurs. A phantom isis can survive as thick walled whose spores in the soil for several years, resisting harsh winters and severe drought. The most important management strategy is crop rotation because there are very few alternatives. If widespread of phantom MRS infection is identified, it is recommended to take a break between growing peas or lentils and diversify with non host crops such as cereals, oil seeds or other resistant pulse crop options. A fan of MRS management doesn't happen in one season, so be sure to take the long view when dealing with this challenge over time. Crop rotation can offer the best line of defense against the devastating impacts of a fan of Mrs root rot