Wells Fargo - Banking/Financial - college girl, friendly, advice, warm

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Part of a real series of internet videos for Wells Fargo.

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Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


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trying to figure out how you're going to afford the flight home over winter break and gifts for your family and friends. We talk to real students about things they do to avoid seasonal money stress and to enjoy the holidays. Have you made your budget? Are you checking it twice? I check my bank account every two weeks. If not weekly. If I know I have like a big purchase coming up. Even if you have planned and saved ahead of time, the numbers might not turn out exactly as you expected. Maybe airline prices went up at the last minute or you forgot to factor in the sibling group gift to your parents in that case. Refresh your plan with those new costs to determine if you are going to have any budget gaps or if high five, you're still on track to be on budget. I have eight siblings. So I just make a decision to get everyone on my list. One thing to help you refresh your plan easily a tool like my money map lets you make simple adjustments to your budget and get a clear view and how they affect your overall plan leading into the holidays. If it does look like you'll have gaps, decide how to handle them. Think twice about using credit cards. If you can't pay off purchases when you get your bill, don't do it instead. Can you pick up a seasonal job? Can you cut costs or reduce spending somewhere? How about saving to prepare for the holidays? I save a little bit every month in my short term savings account. I also have a money jar that I keep on my desk. Usually every time I have a $5 bill, I put it in the money jar. When the holidays come around, I have money to spend on presents for friends and family. So remember the three RS to keep holiday money, stress away. Review your budget as the holidays approach, Refresh your numbers with actual costs, reevaluate money coming in and going out to cover the gaps. College steps brought to you by Wells Fargo.