2023 American English Female Commercial Demo

Online Ad


Commercial demo with a few different styles, some were longer form commercials and some for quick ads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You know, ordering pizza three times a week isn't lazy, it's pro business. Why do we go out? We get dressed up, knock down, stood up, hit on, ripped off and rejected. Why do we go anywhere? They're out there waiting to be discovered. We find them in places where we least expect they come to us when we change our perspective, when we leave our comfort zone, raising greatness, braving hatred and taking up space. Never got a seat at the table so we can't sit and behave. So we're making products with recycled materials, products made to be remade and products made with nature. So all people can see the possibilities to take action. She's not cat medina delivering pizza in her 2003 hatchback. She's Cat Medina bringer of sustenance, provider of all things greasy and caloric.