Multiple Variation Takes of TV Interview and Talkshows extracts

Video Narration


Tackling the topic of climate crisis, innovation and social development. Each episode combined a trailer like fast edit with sentences that sound like extracts from Radio, Commercials or TV Shows,

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's a bunch of money in all these clean technologies, 1200 kilometers an hour. Can you believe that? That's like new york to L. A. In a little more than two hours. But honestly we don't need more cars for Fox sake. You know what? No need to kick me out. I'm leaving, nothing's sacred to them except for their profits. The system hides behind acts of charity that cannot cover up the fact that we are being fooled and we believe that ****. I mean, yeah, sounds like a great ******* idea. If only our resources weren't limited, right? Are you kidding regulating itself? You mean? All of us, all our actions. I don't want their idea of happiness. I just don't buy it now when you produce more, you'll have to consume more and because you have consumed more, you will increase production. The sole end and purpose of all production is consumption. Go ahead. Keep your morale. I'll keep my money, go ahead, keep your morale. I'll keep my money, go ahead. Keep your morale. I'll keep my money