Native American Art - Conversational, Educational, Informative



Marsh Life is a wood sculpture created to honor the Coast Salish Tribes of the PNW. This explainer piece was created for a local historical museum.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


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Honoring the land and the coast Salish tribes who came before marsh life is an artistic depiction and window into what life may have been like for co Salish communities living in the area. The piece demonstrates how the biodiversity and natural resources of the marsh were an important part of casals, traditions and way of life. Artist Ty juvenile carved the mural from 24 inch thick planks of cedar harvested in the puget sound region, a casa wish design using positive and negative shapes. The rendering of fishermen and animals includes coast Salish motifs and symbols handed down over centuries by carvers. The panels carved at three different depths using the sailors carving style that features crescents, try guns and ovals, three of the most prominent shapes in casal ish design.