English Language Commercials and Advertisements

Profile photo for Maria Allen
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Various commercials for radio and TV.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
cream eggs from Cadbury. They're the best thing to come along since the Easter Bunny. And when he's gone, they're gone. California almonds are in when you're talking our minds and the topic is fat. The good news is that it's mostly monounsaturated to now. You know the skinny on fat. Make sure California almonds are in. If you've noticed that your teenager has become extremely hostile or depressed, these behaviours may be the signal that your child has stopped growing up and started growing away. Two lines, all additions for only 1995. Are you sure? Of course, I'm sure. I called Rudy Rudy. He's a classified news day sales consultant. He was really nice and helpful. It's no wonder why more of our passengers arrive rested, relaxed and dare we say, smiling. Five. Virgin Atlantic Airways and see why upper classes, rubbing everyone the right way. My child has quite an imagination. His teachers say that Sunday he'll be doing great things. And thanks to Lagos, the creative building toy, there's just no limit to what he can do. Legos. The creative diversion that helps develop a child's potential