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Video Narration


I have done it for some ones Youtube channel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Pakistani


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
got rid of the divergent at whom? By these easy methods to stay up date with our latest videos in amazing remedies, Make sure to subscribe the kindly care channel and press the Ballack. Is that the Belgian spoiling all your pretty pictures to surgery is an easy way to get out that ugly flab. But there are homemade remedies also, which can rescue you to any sugar free gum. This is a kind of face exercise which helps you to tone your face muscles during a sugar free gum will give your jawline a walkout that will yield quick results. It also results in healthier teeth and gums. Do this several times a day to get best results. Cocoa operator lob a few tablespoons of cocoa butter onto your throat and turned to get rid of your double chin. Massad is gently before going to bed or before going for a shower. Cocoa butter improves the elasticity of the skin massage with wheat germ oil, wheat germ oil is agreed to get your chin in a shape. Regular massages with the oil, help tighten the skin and also provides ample nourishment. Before going to bed, rub some oil gently on your neck and throat massage. Were to intimidate upward from the bottom of the neck to the chin. Leave the oil overnight for best results, egg white facial mask. You can make a homemade facial mask to eliminate a built in fast with the help of egg whites. To make this, you need egg whites of two eggs, a tablespoon of milk, a small amount of people, mint essential oil, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk it. Now, apply this mask to the skin around your chin and neck area and allow it to dry for about 45 minutes. Once dry, read it off with lukewarm bottle. Do this once daily to into a quick results, drink a lot of water. This might sound a far fetched plan, but water plays an important role in helping to lose weight and reduce the appearance of the Belgian. Studies have shown that lack of water can add weight to the face. Drinking at least 10-12 glasses of water daily is necessary. Keeping the body hydrated is important, and so is flushing out all the unwanted toxins.