Christmas Elf - Merry McSparkles - fun - giddy - excited - charming



Produced a series of messages from Santa's number one Elf Merry McSparkles to encourage children that were sad about not seeing Santa.

Added in music and Santa laughs in the background

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hello from a very busy Santa's workshop. Can you believe it? I have loved being able to check in with you this holiday season, but guess what? This is my last message for the Christmas season, but I wanted to make sure that you are ready to track Santa on his flight tonight. You can ask an adult in your house to go on the Internet and tracks and a slight so you know how close he is to get into your house. We keep an eye on the Tracker here in the North Pole because we always want to make sure that Santa is keeping to his schedule. Sometimes he stays in one house a little bit too long because he's eating yummy licious cookies. He just can't help itself. I wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas. And remember, keep being good, keep having the Christmas joy all year long and listening to the adults that you are staying with and you will stay on top of the nice list. I will make sure to keep looking through those holiday holly glasses. But for now, Merry Christmas. I hope you haven't amazing day and a wonderful New Year