2023 Commercial Demo

Television Ad


My commercial demo with spots that includes: Anthem, Commercial, testimonial, medical, and character.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Cryptocurrency even in today's world. It's still a pretty confusing concept. Coinbase dot com helps take some of the guesswork out of digital currency. You can invest in funds like Bitcoin Light Coin and Ethereum at the Keller Science Museum. Kids can dream up and create almost anything. They want to uncover fossils from beneath the dirt, make some ey gooey mud that slips through your fingers or use super strong magnifying lenses to see everyday objects in a whole new way. Is that for me? Hi, Santa. Hi, Susan. I really hate to break it to you, buddy, but I have some bad news. What I already had all of your gift selections delivered. You mean the razors like a Minecraft? You haven't here already? That's right with Amazon Prime. I got free two day shipping. It's been a crazy season. Adore me is changing the intimate industry making dazzling lingerie affordable for every woman that wants to slip into something elegant or wear, frisky flattering fun lingerie in the colors she craves. I'm ginger Vitis. I'm what happens when you don't treat plaque on your teeth and that's fantastic for little old me. It's like a day spa in your mouth. You know, Listerine has essential oils that could have kept me out of your mouth and left your breast smelling fresh as a Daisy. Tell your doctor right away. If your depression worsens or if you have unusual changes in mood behavior or thoughts of suicide presti may cause or worsen high blood pressure, high cholesterol or glaucoma presti may be the key for battling your depression. Ask your doctor about presti today. This is Marissa Conway. Thanks for listening.