Native Scottish Accent - Corporate Reel - Marissa Keltie

Video Narration



Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Scotland's census. What am I filling in? And why does it matter? The census is the official count of every household in Scotland. Every householder has a legal responsibility to complete the census by answering questions about yourself, your household and the place where you live. You provide the information needed to help shape important services in your community. From health and social care to transport and education and much more the magical flight for many begins at a young age watching a kite dance in the breeze leaving no trace on our skies. Can we imagine a future where aircraft also have zero emissions, safeguarding our precious planet with new additions including a virtual reality display and a 3D exhibit allowing visitors to explore the flows largely unseen wreck sites. The museum will boost tourism throughout Orkney and encourage more people to visit a museum that sculpted the modern world like few others, which is why it has been nominated for museum of the year 2023. We're also using sustainable P pe including carbon neutral gloves and hi vis jackets and vests made from recycled bottles, all 100% compliant with international safety standards by working with the regulators EPA, we were able to donate surplus topsoil to local community groups rather than this precious resource going to cover landfill sites. Our cutting edge award winning digital platform ESG advantage helps manage all of your ESG data in one place, identifying the champions and showing you where there is more work to do financial performance and doing good are not opposing forces. Our team of ESG experts can help you take the right path and be on the right side of tomorrow. It's time to act, go to MG Hudson dot com slash ESG to find out more.