Authentic Scottish Accent Explainer Scottish Government

Video Narration



Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Scotland's census. What am I filling in and why does it matter? The census is the official count of every household in Scotland. Every householder has a legal responsibility to complete the census by answering questions about yourself, your household and the place where you live. You provide the information needed to help shape important services in your community, from health and social care to transport and education and much more. Each household will receive a letter explaining how to complete your census, whether this is online through Scotland's census website, using the Internet access code provided in your letter or how to request a paper form if you need one. Census Day is Sunday 20th of March. You can fill in your questionnaire as soon as you get your letter. Just make sure that the answers you give reflect your household on this day. If you need any help or support with the census, including requesting a paper copy, visit census dot gov dot scott forward slash contact or call Oh 800 0308308. Scotland's census getting the right things out starts with filling it in