Character Reel

Video Narration


A selection of my character voices to a script which I wrote myself.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Martin Rowlands character. Real Okay, let's go over to our reporter now who is live on the scene for an update on that breaking news Storey roving reporter Robbie Robertson here on you join me from inside the public house where mysteries are owns the whereabouts ofthe the W collection 10. Let's speak with a few of the locals to see if they can shine any light on this escalating situation. We'll do. I'm thinking. What are you thinking? What I'm thinking? What are we actually looking at? How we looking at the disappearance of 10 of loose change? Or are we looking at something much more than that? Absolutely. Don't think, Feli. Surely this is a beautiful. The breakdown of modern society will let us that are. Suppose What about you, Major? What? See you. Well, I don't know about society. Oh, boy. But have you heard about elk or others? What about him? He's taken to living up a tree with a gorilla, A male god or lord, now a female gorilla. I think we're about to go rather short of thoughts of any relevance here. Let's speak with Simon, the local Simon, without the word of a lie. I've gone through the water. Just about area. The big trade pies in man's more thens mind. I had a quick job. We bob about his acid reflux. I've gone about the business. I didn't see nothing. That's Bob if you don't believe me, eh? Don't bloody drag me into this lot. See no evil in no evil. Speak no evil. That's my motto. And if my wife is a wireless, I mean bloody pub shall have my bloody guts from bloody garters. So bugger off. Will you leave me in peace with the ale here? Whatever you're doing. Bloody reporters ever go told your rods already. This is a respectable establishment gold trigger, too. After Cameron, I owe you at more self or no, no. So I'm quite happy to leave just now. So there you have a couple of seconds. But one thing is certain. The feet of the summer fate it's sealed where they turn the w A collection. Well, been no coconut macaroons consumed in these parts for the foreseeable future. Back to the studio