Too Real TV

Profile photo for MARLO BERNARDINO
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Too Real TV is a channel dedicated to showcasing all hit reality TV shows of the moment. This promo is to highlight the newest episode of All Eyes on Us.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
turn into tonight's elimination episode of All Eyes are Nuts and find out if David will be victorious and the final battle round, or if he will be packing up his bags and hitting the road only on to real T. V. I think you have what it takes. The stand amongst the fierce competitors of all eyes on us. Now is your chance to show us what you got. We are casting for the third season and are now looking for your audition videos. Check us out online for more information. Mhm.