The Young Explorers Guide to Coral Reef Fish, English

Profile photo for Marnie Wynne
Not Yet Rated


This is an educational children's book which I narrated and produced.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
coral reefs are not only home to many amazingly weird and wonderful creatures, but they are also home to many types of fascinating fish. This is because the coral polyps that make the reef build remarkable structures that fish love to live in. The structures that the coral polyps build can form huge towers and caves that over time create houses in which the fish like to make their home. These formations also attract the food that fish need to eat and allow a thriving community to grow. This is called an ecosystem, which is very important for the survival of every creature living on the reef. Fish are amazing animals that live in water and breathe using gills instead of lungs. They have lived on our planet for millions of years and are actually our ancestors from before animals evolved arms and legs. Instead, they use fins that allow them to swim around in all directions and find food over time. These fins have developed some very interesting and strange features that help the fish live in the wonderfully diverse world around them. Sometimes these adaptations make the fish look so strange that it's very hard to know that you're even looking at a fish