Prime target for a frame up



excerpt from an article written by Hunter S Thompson

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The thing is to never talk down. He says, we're not trying to win votes out here. ****, that trip has been done. It's over. The idea now, is to make people think, forced them to think and you can't do that by walking around slapping strangers on the back and buying them beers, then grinning unless you happen to be bubbling drunk or stoned, which is certainly not my style. I want to make that one thing very clear. But today the talk was easy with no ulterior politics. Say Oscar. Somebody said, how do we stand on that grand jury thing? What's our chances? Acosta shrugged. Will win. Maybe not on this level, but we'll win on appeal. That's good man. I hear you're really working out on that *******. Yeah, we're ******* them over. But that one might take another year right now. We have to think about Corky's trial. It starts Tuesday, Corky's in town. The interest is obvious. Heads turn to listen. Roddy eases back a few feet so he can watch the whole bar, scanning their faces for any that might be too interested. Paranoia is rampant in the barrio informers. Narcs assassins, who knows? And Rodolfo, Corky Gonzales is a definite heavy prime target for a frame or a set up