Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Martha Fenton
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This demo features edited clips from assorted radio and television commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's only one in North America the cat featured on the Discovery Channel as one of the world's super ship. It's finally February time for ground hogs, Valentine's and Children's annual winter Storewide sale. If you suffer from arthritis, you can't afford to miss this important message. Remember when you were a kid and the prices on the cereal boxes were even better than the crispies, crunchies and marshmallow stars inside? We all know H two always water. An A C L is table salt and ammonia is an H three. If you live in New Mexico, you know. And if you live in the North, you'll want to know L. A M Los Alamos Airport. Get to the bottom of your high electric bills with a kilowatt energy detector. Check one out free from your local library, plug it in and find out the power usage for all your electrical devices. Announcing the prime for life warranty. It comes standard at no charge with any new car or any prime certified car you buy from the prime stores and sock. Oh, I'm just a hair dryer. Big boy Bailey's meet 10 minutes a day. People like you made us the most popular craft beer in Maine. Shipyard Export Ale, a main original since 1992 brooded the shipyard brewing Company, Portland, Maine.