Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Matt Currier
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Commercial demo produced by me.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
kids can change minds. They can even change the world around us, packed with protein plus 21 vitamins and minerals. We nurse them with carnation, breakfast essentials because today could change everything in the right hands. Iron, steel and aluminum can be transformed into precious metals. If life were perfect magazines would never smell like perfume, dogs would walk themselves and algebra would really come in handy. Well look on the bright side, at least there's Amstel light. It's only got 95 calories, but you still get real important taste. You don't give up a thing, Purina one special formula for cats is made with real chicken. Good news for your cat. Great news for your canary. Giving the right gift is easy. Just follow these simple steps first pick up a bottle of Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey and you've heard that Bex after dark rocked the sunset strip if you missed it, don't worry, you can still hook up with bex after dark this summer. Hot music. Beautiful people. And plenty of ice cold Becks and Becks. Light beer