Second Audio Demo- Fan on with Effects

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Fan is still on, but I have an effect chain going. It needs some tweaking because of some volume disparities (volume warning btw), but I have effects, and I can use em.
FX chain looks like this:
LeftToMono (to make the sound come out both ears)
SSL Native Vocalstrip 2

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome back to audio demos with Matthew Sanchez. I'm your host. Matthew Sanchez. So I'm going to be rereading that product demo page from earlier but this time I'm going to have some effects on the effect chain. Gonna have me some noise suppression. Uh get me an EQ in there, you know how it is. Okay, let's get a reread back on. We have the Samson Technologies S R 8 50 semi open back headphones, pardon me, in the black color about this item, professional studio reference semi open headphones designed for tracking, mixing, mastering and playback proprietary large 50 millimeter drivers with rare earth magnets deliver an extended frequency response and great dynamic range circa moral over ear design with velour cushioning provides outstanding comfort for long listening sessions, self adjusting headband for optimal fit and a quarter of an inch stereo adapter included. Alright, hopefully once I add the effects on that, everything is going to sound much better. So I thank you for listening and I'll do one more new effects but fan off