Third Audio Demo- No Fan No Effects

Profile photo for Matthew Sanchez
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The fan is turned off and so are the effects.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome back to audio demos with Matthew Sanchez, I am your host. Matthew Sanchez I'm going to be reading the Samsung S. R. 8 50 product page again this time. No effects, no fan or no room fan. My computer fans will run but well that's just how computers are in it. Anyways, let's get this read on Samsung Technologies S. R. 8 50 semi open back studio reference headphones in the black color about this item. Professional studio reference semi open headphones designed for tracking, mixing, mastering and playback, proprietary large 50 millimeter drivers with rare earth magnets, deliver an extended frequency response and great dynamic range circa moral over your design with velour cushioning provides outstanding comfort for long listening sessions, self adjusting headband for optimal fit and a quarter inch stereo adaptor included all that for $35. Can you believe that? $35 for a really good pair of headphones? Well, I'm going to be messing with them a little later on tonight, so thank you for listening and I'll have more voice over demos soon. But for now these three should be okay