Last letter of Marie-Antoinette, theater



This recording was for a university project. By this recording a attemp to show the emotions of a caracter and an accent with is English with a big French accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


French (Québécois)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mother millions habit. I deeply regret that this is the last letter I'll ever write. What have I done? So to be condemned to death by falls, I had strived it to live a plain simple life just like my people. And I do not understand where I had went wrong. I felt like a mother to them. And when it falls was starving. I too felt the hunger and pain When France was turning into a poor country. I two saved my wealth and preserved in incentive that would save my people. Yet this still call me Madame deficit. Unless there since I wish to repent and hope that France can't one different give me with love and duty. I sincerely implore Purdon of God For all the faults which I may have committed I will dearly miss you and embrace you with all my heart. Farewell, my good and tender sister, for there will farewell