Podcast Paid Advertisement Sponsored Ad for Pop Culture Podcast

Profile photo for Mia Grayson
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This was a sponsored ad for The LovePod podcast. I wrote, edited, voiced and produced the ad. It was part of a month long booking that included both pre and midroll ads for a health and wellness brand.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I just wanted to send a quick thank you to our sponsors that let's get checked. They're the leading provider of helpful at home health tests including fertility, sexual health and my personal favorite, the thyroid test I took it and the process was incredibly easy, Fast and painless. Some of the main symptoms of thyroid imbalance include weight gain, depression and impaired memory. Get your tests delivered straight to your door by ordering today join. Let's get checks community with an exclusive offer just for love pod listeners Use the coupon code. Love 20 for 20% discount. That's L O V E 20. Now, back to the show.