Carmilla, An Early Vampire Story



This describes a fateful meeting between two women and the initial attraction they experience for each other.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Michael Hardy. This is an early vampire story by Joseph Sheridan. Laugh a new It's from his Carmilla. Her smile has softened and each other dimpling cheeks were now delightfully pretty and intelligence. She pressed my hand, she laid hers upon it and her eyes glowed as looking hastily into mind. She smiled again and blushed as she said, I must tell you five vision about you. It is so very strange that humans, I should have had each of the other so vivid a dream. I was a child about six years old, and I woke from a confused and troubled dream and found myself in a room. Unlike my nursery, with cupboards in bedsteads and shares, the beds were, I thought, all empty in the room without anyone but myself in it. Then I heard someone crying and looking up. I saw you most assuredly you, as I see you now, a beautiful young lady with golden hair and large blue eyes and lips, your lips. I climbed on the bed and put my arms about you, and I think we both fell asleep. I was aroused by a scream. You were sitting up screaming. I was frightened and it seemed to me lost consciousness for a moment. And when I came to myself I was again in my nursery, at home. Your face. I have never for gotten since you are the lady whom I saw then.