Caritas Charity Xmas Animation



This is a short animation for the charity Caritas, drawing on the true story of someone that visited them in a time of need and how they helped him

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'd hit rock bottom on the street, you feel invisible and everyone else seems happy. I couldn't see how would ever get back to that kind of normal life. Then someone did notice me talking to this place I met people I could relate to. They shared their stories with me. They listen to my story too. I got helping loads of ways, finance and benefits, health checks, support groups, housing. They even gave me the opportunity to volunteer, turns out I'm not a bad chef. They just got me and gave me hope now I'm building. There were some things I needed to say and some things I needed to do carried us with me. Maybe one Day I can be there for someone to this christmas, thousands of people in greater Manchester and lancashire will be faced with acute crisis for many different reasons. Could you be there for them when they need it most to donate? £10. Text be there to 70580 now or visit www dot caritas Salford dot org dot UK forward slash b there