Michael Aston voice clip The Hit (New York Mobster)

Profile photo for Michael Aston
Not Yet Rated


Short example of New York American gangster accent (basic ungraded recording quality)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, My name's Mike Elastin, and this is an exert from the hit by Michael Aston, and it's in a kind of Italian American New York accent. So, Benny, let's go over this one last time. No mistakes. The Don always sits and eats a table Number one. Now you have been first, so the piece has been planted underneath the center of Table four. It's the last table before going out through the bank to the bathroom, So it's the first table on the way back in. So after year settled, you just say you need the bedroom. One of the Dons boys will go with you. Then loosen your lace while you were out there on our way back, you kneel down by table for to do a pure lace as you get up your reach for the gun. Easy, no sweat.