Narration Demo

Profile photo for Michaela Westerlund
Not Yet Rated


5 short narration scripts. commercial, documentary, audiobook, trailer, textbook

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, this is Michaela Westerlund. If spectacular scenery is what brought you to Kauai viewing the nepali coast will stir your passion to stay on this magical island forever. Emerald valleys, jagged, 4000 ft cliffs that tower over the blue pacific, a host of caves, lava tubes and beautiful beaches make this area a fantastic place for exploring. The debris field hit me the hardest here in that ghostly expanse of sea floor, 350 miles off Newfoundland. The people who died during the frigid hours of April 15, 1912 spoke to me again. A case of champagne lay on the bottom. It's bottles still corked. A reminder of Titanic's role as a floating palace of the rich and powerful. He opened the driver's door, then turned to hold her again. Neither of them spoke. They simply stood there sending, receiving, imprinting the feel of each other indelibly. For the last time he let her go and stepped into the truck. He is Hollywood's most dazzling star who inspires the worship of millions and the hatred of one twisted soul, All that stands between the star and an insidious killer is a weary ex cop who has already seen his own death hormones produced by various endocrine glands serve as chemical messengers carried by the blood to various target organs, where they regulate a variety of physiological and metabolic activities. Invertebrates. Endocrinology is the study of hormones and their actions