Authentic - Genuine - Warm - Carer's Queensland Recruitment Video

Profile photo for Michael Newcombe
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


A nice warm, comforting and conversational voiceover, with a genuine and heartfelt emotional delivery.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What is the goal? It's an aspiration, a dream, something we work towards goals make us face our own fears and doubts. And that little voice that shouts. But you can when you've got the right people to give that goal a plan. We help people understand and access the N D. I s to get the support they need to achieve their goals. We've been helping people for 30 years and counting. We're in the community in people's lives were there each day, every step of the way, because every step matters. We sit down, we talk it out and we work out a plan, a plan that works for them. We help connect them with people. Good to go. How's it going to make that plan? Really? Because today Jacob learned to drive. Catherine perfected her dive, and Max strived for that finish line because goals don't need to be. You do between nine and five. It could be anything that makes you thrive. Good job, because life should be more than just getting by. Be the person that makes life better. Carers. Queensland Recruiting now