Inspire, Empower, Women Empowerment, Inspirational, Strong, Motivating, Relatable, Girl Power, Real Person

Video Narration


Inspire, Empower, Women Empowerment, Inspirational, Strong, Motivating, Relatable, Real Person, Girl Power, Real, Conversational, Supportive, Gravitas, Anthemic, Trailer, Conference Opener

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
tell your daughter that with her legs she can run a marathon if she wants to. And her rib cage is nothing but a carrying case for strong lungs. She can scream and she can sing and she can lift up the world if she wants. What are girls made of? Guts and grace and setting the pace, trust and care and always being there. A dedication to duty, to answer the call with the courage and the heart to change it all. That's what we're made of way. See our mountain. And it doesn't scare us because the climb is the German and reaching the top is just the beginning. We stand up and say This will not overtake us. We take a step and no, this will not have power over us. We were created in power. We were created to move. We were created toe. Do you know what a breakthrough moment is? They are always massive grand global achievements. Sometimes a breakthrough is a simple Is taking that first nervous step fight to get back to where you were and start over. How many times has life returned those late nights and early mornings or made you whole. For all the blood, sweat and tears. Question is, after everything you put into life, what exactly do you ever get back out? The person I want to be then isn't achieved by obsessing over how to get there, because the person I want to be, it's already here. It's time to meet myself.