Splatoon Scientist Intro



Introduction to the game \"Splatoon\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello there. How are you way here? The Squid Research lab are doing wonderful as it's our job to present research on the ecological curiosities of this fascinating squid creature. Things particular squid can, in fact transform into a human oy in squid form. They could dive into and become one with their ink, while in humanoid form, they can utilize various tools to cover the turf with it. Way have officially named this breed of squid the inkling we prefer to just call them squids. Like more common squids, they can alter their appearance at will, including skin tone and eye color. For some reason, though, their hair like tentacles seem to change color automatically in combat situations. Science tells us that the squids natural nemesis is the Octopus, or, in this case, the Oct Erian's but occupy Will Dio. It seems that one Captain Cuttlefish has ordered the inklings to take back a zap fish stolen by the act. Erian's with Captain Cuttlefish is expert advice. They may just take back that sap fish