English with slight latin accent / videos

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Examples of English with slight latin accent. Can be used for any media.I can also exaggerate the accent if needed

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Spanish (Latino)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What are your mornings look like? What do they sound like? The shakeup is a voice activated lender that lists off smooth ingredients so you can kick start your day with a nutritious burst of flavor when you're ready, just ask you to shake up now, what are your mornings taste like? Do you remember climbing the wall of china, The strain of your legs as you complete a seven mile stretch uphill into northwest? Beijing, seeing hundreds of other hikers and realizing your old standing on a 2000 year old masterpiece and walking together on the journey of a lifetime. Do you remember climbing the wall of china? No. Make memories for your senses. Travel.