AJ Long Reads | Al Jazeera podcast



This is a sample from the ongoing long form journalism podcast series by Al Jazeera.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (Hindi)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to a. J. Long reads where we bring to you the best of Al Jazeera's long form journalism to listen to in your own time in claustrophobic north India where generations have grown up breathing in a deadly air, dust is a normal part of everyday life. I am more heat on. Um So she and you're listening to. I smell it, taste it, feel its heaviness Life in Delhi's dust by an indie Mishra. It was february in manali, Himachal Pradesh in the western Himalayas. As the winding highway took a turn along the Bs river, our taxes clean. Just washed windshield quickly gathered a thick patina of dust. Dogs chase the car, their limbs like the flapping wings of a bird struggling to move through a dust storm. I scanned the dawn mountain scape for lights, subconsciously looking for even the remotest semblance of city life and saw more dust as we rolled up the side windows. The dust was already between our teeth, covering our clothes and the book in my hand.