Educational School Documentary



Educational School IBA SUKKUR Documentary

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




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focusing on the importance of quality education mentioned in article 25 of the constitution sent government started send basic education program to ensure that every child should receive the quality education in the previous to achieve the purpose quality Sin government joined hands with soccer I. B. Which is a half contained educational institution that meets international standards of education in 2016 and 2017 the responsibility of three schools. Government high school judge, regulator government high school and immediately and government high school county was handed over to soccer I. B. University under the same basic education program with the collaboration of public private partnership node school education and literacy department Karachi and soccer. I be university have brought about 3 60 degree positive change in these schools. This change has been made possible by changing the context by providing state of art infrastructure that includes science labs, computer labs, libraries, sports equipment facilities of teaching including multimedia's and smart interactive books and schools. Academic writer transparency and examination system, full utilization of science laboratories and engaging students in learning activities remind the top priority the fatality hide by government and secret I. B. Are leaving no stone unturned to rise the critical thinking skills of students by teaching through practical and experimental methods. I. B. Also arranged professional development sessions for teachers at the various time of the years to provide teachers opportunities to question their professional beliefs and try new ways of teaching learning and engaging students. As a result, the school became enriched with latest educational mythologies, contributing to enhance motivation and emphases um within the students. Not only this, but community engagement was encouraged at all levels. Soccer. I be strongly believes that community plays a vital role in strengthening the quality of education. Thus, the community is always encouraged to own the surrounding school for the betterment of education. Library is the most essential place in a school keeping in mind the importance of reading and self study, soccer. I be established the fully furnished library in school whereby students can find all the courses related books and general books such as novels, history books, religious books, philosophical books and many more up in drop silence is maintained to provide readers are distract free environment up in job silence is maintained to provide readers are distract free environment. All three schools have a proper health care room having all the necessary facilities of first aid one doctor remains always available to provide basic medication to the students fatality and non teaching stops more ever. Various informative session are also being conducted in school. Too aware students how they can keep themselves and their environment. Clean School also took every possible measure to combat during COVID-19 by sanitizing schools building and following proper recipes from wearing masks, washing hands, passing from sanitized gates to sitting in the classrooms, cheating in exam has always remained a tranny issue in sin, but soccer, I b also took courage action of conducting cheating free examination, although we faced a lot of resistance from inside and outside. Yet we became successful today. There is no concept of cheating in our schools. It is a result of collective efforts made by teacher students, parents and stakeholders. We strongly believe in activity based learning and project based teaching. It has brought sin education system out of the incessant practice of more rude learning along with fair examination policy in submitted assessment, the concept of formative assessment was also introduced in these schools. Not just that, but scheme of studies is designed before the start of each academic years. In addition, effective lesson planning head teachers ensure that all the planned strategies are well implemented throughout decision to foster conceptual learning among students Among students. Students are also provided with opportunities where they can showcase their talent. Every year, school organize various events and exhibition within and outside the school to equip students with the necessary skills of 21st century same basic education program is indeed a great step taken by the government of Sin to provide modern facility, especially to the underdeveloped cities needs this digital era. The stakeholders like school education and literacy departments and secret ivy University deserve highest commendation as it wouldn't have been possible without their sincere efforts. Today, when we see our students winning in the field of academic, that gives us a sigh of relief and inner satisfaction of playing our parts at its best. So far our students have got two gold medals, 15 silver medals and 15 bronze medals in various competitions being organized at the national and international levels. This has only become possible because of their sincere and untiring efforts of our fatality inshallah. We all will keep working as a team for an even better education system of sin. It was a vision of late Professor Siddiqui that one day these schools emerged as one of the best public school in Pakistan. We have been working day and night to materialize this dream. We strongly believe that day is not far of when our students will touch the highest of success to make all of us proud.