Excerpt from Egyptian Mythology by Geraldine Pinch - Native English



I attempted to speak from the stance of someone presenting a documentary but still retain the essence of a story. Egyptian Mythology, the book, itself is a very informative book, I tried to make it interesting to listen to.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What is a myth? If I asked this question, most people will reply that a myth is a story that is not true, even though you might want it to be Scholarly arguments about the definition of a myth have been going on for more than 2000 years. Many definitions have been proposed. Among the most common are that myths are stories about gods, myths are stay cred stories, myths are stories that explain the way the world is. Or myths are simply traditional stories that hand on collective knowledge or experience writers from various disciplines and intellectual movements have interpreted myth in different ways. Myths have been seen as a disease of language, a garbled memories of historical events as a mode of pre logical thought, as expressions of the subconscious mind, as symbolic descriptions of the natural world or symbolic statements about the social order and as the spoken part of ritual, as theories to explain the whole of world mythology. These interpretations all have flaws, but each of them is applicable to some Egyptian myths.