Fiction 2 male and m/f 3rd person

Profile photo for Nartan Rose
Not Yet Rated


Historical fiction made accessible

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I dealt not ingenuously with the queen added he I loved and still love madame de from whom the letter I have mentioned came judge then on either side, how distressed I shall be if this paper is handed about as mine, my conduct has been blamable. I confess yet I entreat you to assist in extricating me from this difficulty. Go to the Doyne who by this time has the letter from Madame de N and get it for me on any terms before it goes further. Your situation said, Namo, I allow my friend is an unpleasant one. You can opt out of my readiness to serve you. But I assure you in this matter, there are some difficulties on my own account that I would very gladly avoid. And if the paper as you say, fell from your pocket, how am I supposed to persuade anyone that it dropped from mine? I thought I had before informed. You said the shark that the doss has been told the letter is yours. How replied, Namo hastily apprehending the consequence of the mistake till they believe it. Mine already assuredly said the Vico and the reason is that you and I were really speaking to each other at the instant it was dropped. Therefore, if you do not allow it to be yours, it must inevitably be pronounced mine. And I have already told you the fatal consequences of such an event. To me, it is in your power to get it instantly returned as yours. And to save me, a world of inquire, Naor really loved the shat he wished to oblige him yet could not help. Hesitating to give this proof of his friendship. He paused, he knew not what to determine upon. I see very plainly said the viscount that you fear making someone you love unhappy by this mistake. This difficulty will I obviate most likely to the do herself whom you would not suffer to imagine the letter yours. It is by no means reasonable. You should sacrifice your happiness to mine. I consent to your revealing to the woman you love whoever she be the reasons of your conduct and for your further justification, I give you this billet from madam Don Bois, a friend of madam de who demands from me. The very letter I have lost their names are here inserted. It is addressed to me and will leave no doubt with the person to whom you show it hasten. Then my friend, I beat you and set my mind at peace as soon as possible. And the more gladly took the bullet as he was impatient to clear himself to Madame De Clare, who he was certain by this time was fully acquainted with the matter. He went immediately to her house and was a good deal disappointed to be told she was not yet risen though. It was then very late. He begged, she might be asked at what hour she would see him as he had something very particular to communicate to her. Madame De Clev was a good deal surprised at his message, but so totally out of humor at the very name of Namo that she answered, she was indisposed and should see no company that day no more. When he recollected the cause why he was treated thus severely, could not be altogether displeased. Anything was preferable to her indifference. But in what manner he should be able to convince her that he deserved not the censure he now labored under was a task by no means easy to accomplish. He inquired for the Prince of Cleve and being conducted to his apartment told him he was come to Mada Cleve on a matter that very nearly concerned the Vico to shout her uncle that it was really an affair of some importance. And though he heard she was not well treated, he would prevail on her to see him. But for a few minutes, he explained part of the subject of his visit and the prince readily conducted him to her dressing room where she was sitting quite in diab and alone, having decided that no visitors, whatever should be admitted. She was struck with astonishment when she saw who her husband had introduced into her apartment. You must not refuse to see no more said he, he comes to you on business relative to your uncle and you must consult together what can be done for him. I would willingly assist you. But I'm under a necessity of attending the king immediately. I doubt not, but you will be able to relieve the viant from his anxiety saying this. He laughed them. Have you madam said no more seen or heard of a letter found yesterday and given to the Davis by one of her ladies. I have sir, she replied, but cannot see how my uncle can be at all concerned in this matter. His name. I am certain is not even mentioned in the paper. You speak of notwithstanding what you say madam answered no more. The letter is the vi Counts and written to him by a lady. He very much regards. If you will favor me with your attention, I will relate to you how much your uncle is interested in this affair. And if you madam do not kindly lend your assistance to recover this letter from the do before it is rendered more public, he will think himself extremely unhappy.