Animation Demo Reel - Natalie Duncan

Profile photo for Natalie Duncan
Not Yet Rated


Enjoy my animation reel!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
come my little critters, mama's feeling inconsolable. It's about time we turned all the tables on all of Alicia. We just need to find the achilles heel. Of course Beatrice. Once we have her trapped, the king will rush to rescue and then the throne will be on the right G. And I threw this party just for you. Were you surprised where you where you? I know libraries are supposed to be quiet. But what kind of welcome party would this be if they were quiet? I mean uh bobby. I saw you when you first got you remember you were all high and I was all remember I know everyone my great grandfather used to say I have a dish to buy a house but I have no means I have the means to buy a goat but I have no wish. So where does strength to having all our dishes match our means. Vaasa drove earlier. Come on. Come on, come on. You call that a bench press. I want you to beat the burn. Now, let's work on those chicken legs. Mr, squat me. Hello and hurl me as far as you can. Nice throw great weather today. Perfect for shutting yourself inside. Don't you think? What? You saw that? You were watching me? That crosses the line. Singing me. Why would I be singing? I'd never be singing. I've never been so humiliated.