English Language, Soft and Friendly Spoken Clear Trustworthy Voice

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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So you're ready to reap the benefits of having chickens and you want to build your own coop. But you know, there are many different blueprints on the market, so you need the right one and you're eager to finally start living an eco friendly lifestyle. But you need a place to start. You're a D. I wire and you need a chicken coop plan that works for you. A coop that's easy to build. Even if carpentry isn't your forte, something that takes the research and prep work out, no wasted time on measurements and material, something that provides the exact step by step process. Prefabricated coupes are costly and you'll never have to buy another overpriced egg from the market again. Now, let's talk about the advantages of having a chicken coop. Healthier chickens means tastier and healthier eggs. Fresh eggs every day. Talk about farm to table style, fresh eggs taste exceptional. Many store bought eggs have been sitting for long periods of time buying eggs from the store is a gamble. Self sufficient, having eggs contributes to living a self sustainable lifestyle. Not only do the chickens provide food for the table, but the chicken droppings are valuable in many ways, such as adding nitrogen to your compost. This provides rich soil for the rest of your garden. Having your own chicken coop means happier chickens. Factory raised chickens are treated poorly stressed out pumped with antibiotics and hormones. Some chickens only know a life of living in small cages. Having your own coop give chickens a chance to thrive, providing tasty your eggs, having your own chicken coop is cost effective and self sufficient. Certified constructors design all of our chicken coop plans. These poultry palaces are both practical and efficient. Easy coop plans come with clear precision instructions for a simple building process. If you can build a lego set, you can build one of our chicken coops. All of our plans, list the exact materials and measurements needed ahead of time, with absolutely minimal waste. Every coupe also has specific materials and measurements needed for each coop. Their strong ventilation, lighting and insulation, nesting box, quantity according to flock size, security of your pets and spaciousness for adults to walk into clean or collect eggs. All designed by certified professionals. We have simplified the instructions down to a science that needs no scientists or master woodworkers but provides enough details that you'll have every angle covered. You won't need any complicated power tools or degrees in engineering with this guide. If you have any questions along the way, we are always in close cooperation with our clients and we provide sales support to all our valued customers. There's no risk and no shipping fees. Plans are available instantly by digital download. You will have immediate access to 15 different designs and the best part is it's 100% risk free. All orders come with a 60 day money back guarantee for more information and to order at a low cost click on the link in the description box below