Profile photo for Natasha Magalong
Not Yet Rated


It is a podcast based on the experiences that I have in the Philippines

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Filipino (Tagalog) North American (General)


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Hi, everyone, Welcome back. So today will be a special segment because you all guys will learn not just only me, but how I can relate myself with one off our own national heroes. Who's Harry's own e. So we all know that Jose Reyes l has traveled a lot. During the time that he was studying and owning his kills, it was really evident that his travel abroad has produced significant development, either positive or negative to his character, individuality, patriotism and etcetera. So in this segment will be focusing more on relating ourselves, mainly myself, with resolves travel history. No. So let me introduce myself once again. I am Natasha on a gallon, but for a short call me Tasha. So today I'll be answering five of your questions that you have sent me via my instagram. So, for our first question is, if you have traveled outside the country in your life, water the countries that you have been so forth. So when I was young, I'm already exposed to different cultures and lifestyle because I spent half of my life growing up in the Middle East, specifically in Jeddah. But my family loves to travel specifically during the holiday season. So most of countries that I've been so far is around Vietnam by Paris. But recently my family and I were able to go toe e New York Washington for the past few years, and I enjoy every moment off a travel. Yeah, so second question is, what are the unique characteristics off this countries that you like? Well, for me, each country has its own characteristic. But one thing that I have noticed is that they all have their own way of flip it. Like, for example, when you go to Asia, people tend to be busy in occupied away the time. But when you go to Europe, it's like people are quiet and relax more. And also I love how each of these countries are able to preserve and improve their old buildings that I'm so mass memorized how they were able to keep this kind of buildings for many years. They all had a lot of museums and famous sites to explore, and you know what? They had an easy access of transportation in reaching those places. Well, for me, going to this country's Wasson experience, that would I would treasure as I grow old. Third question. What are the characteristics off this countries that you do not like? Well, honestly, I do not see anything that I disliked with the countries that I've been through. But maybe I will say some off their cuisines because you know which new to me. And I'm not usually eating some off their foods, like in all lambs capitals. But you know what? There's no harm in trying something you e so forth. Question is what this traveling to this country is changing your well made me the way I view the world that it made me realized. There is so much more than I am needed to learn and to see for myself. Oh, last question is what been traveling to this country's does any Filipino can learn if ever they have the opportunity and chance to do so. Maybe the opportunity to reflect on themselves that some of these countries are also having the same problems we have here in the Philippines that it doesn't matter if it's in Europe or in America. We all have a struggles and problems way should be able to let Filipinos know and learn that there is a bigger world to explore and learn from. Well, that is all for the questions that you have sent me via my instagram That is all for today. See all next week for another new statement. So stay tuned. Bye bye.