Explainer Video


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
auto Complete is a feature within Google Search designed to make it faster to complete searches. You're beginning to type. We created it to help save people time, which it definitely does. On average auto complete reduces typing by about 25%. How it works at a very basic level is by looking at what you're starting to type in the search bar, sorting through trillions of past Google searches to find ones that include the letters you just typed, then displaying some of the most common ones. So what, you see an auto complete our predictions based on lots of data about how people search. That's why the first qualities you typically see our your own past searches because data tell us users tend to repeat them. Those predictions air indicated by oclock icon, and you can delete them right in the search bar. Or you can visit your Google account page. Another thing to know is that a common query in one part of the world may not be so common in another. That's why auto complete considers location as well as the language being used when displaying predictions. Auto Complete also takes into account what searches have been trending, which is why queries related to the news or recent events may move up the list of predictions when relevant. The last thing auto complete factors in is what you won't see predictions identified as inappropriate, harmful or otherwise against our policies. We don't stop anyone from searching for whatever they want. We simply designed policies so people won't be unintentionally surprised, shocked or otherwise shown unhelpful predictions and auto complete because auto complete has always been about getting you toe what you're really looking for quicker. And with billions of searches being completed every day, our predictions will keep getting better, getting you to results even faster.