Radio Demo

Profile photo for Natalie Richmond
Not Yet Rated
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Radio demo reel

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
lazing around, watching television, doing homework, painting the house, whatever it's spring break. Wouldn't you rather be dodging moguls and coasting down ski hills in the Great White North. We've teamed up with our snow kree space. The power of Broke by Damon john one. The power of broke. The power of broke is a mindset. It exists in all of us. Whether we have money, opportunities or advantages, trouble is. Most people don't recognize this power for what it is. They leave it alone or maybe they don't even know it's there. Zain presents. Candace Rain by Shari Robin Chapter One. Candace stood naked in her bedroom window overlooking the cobblestone walkway in front of her apartment. She peered through the sheer gold curtains, padding the itch under her leopard print head scarf. Candace was certain that any neighbors, regardless of how few there were on the tiny block, could see right up to her bare breasts. But she didn't care for the smooth, this grooviest jazz. Keep your ears tuned into the West Coast. Cool, 98.1 f. M. Catch the vibe. Be cool in the heart of the night, all night long, cool jazz on Gotham's 98.1 Cool FM. You've always wanted to retire in style. The residents of green Gables retirement community enjoy 25% more life and easy living.