Narrative demo - North American, female



Produced at a long established studio in Dallas Texas, under the guidance and direction of my voice coach.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The publicist was sweating. The congressman's Georgetown mansion had Central Air. So Jason took it as a sure sign that something was up 16 weeks of investigation, the biggest political corruption story of the century. And he'd uncovered the whole thing. The character Sherlock Holmes was introduced in a study in Scarlet in 18 87 but didn't really take hold of the public's imagination until Strand magazine published a series of short stories called The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, residing in London at 2 21 B baker street. The great detective's personality set him apart from any other character of the time. Walking cautiously up to the front door, she heard a loud scratching noise. She closed her eyes and flung open the door just as she got the nerve to step inside. Something flew right at her, she screamed and then laughed. An owl had been living in the house jane peered around the dusty entryway and wondered what other surprises were waiting inside. Step into the cockpit of an F 18 hornet and live the Adventure of the Navy's Blue Angels. It's high flying thrills and chills as the video takes you along with the Blue Angels through their exciting aerial maneuvers presented to you by the pilots and crew members past and present. Its one ride. You don't want to miss. Hi, I'm Vanessa. Right, thank you for listening. Mhm