
Profile photo for N Huye
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I am a Flower.
Yes, I’m beautiful I heard it before. And it never grows old. I’m wordship for my looks my scent my looks.
But here’s the thing: life starts with me. You see I feed people. Every fruit comes from me, every potato-me every kernel of corn-Me. Every grain of rice -Me...

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Vietnamese


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am a flower. Yes, some beautiful. I heard it before and it never grows up. I'm worshiped from my looks and they sent my looks. But here's the thing. Life starts with me. You see a feed people every fruit comes from me, every potato me. Epic Connell. A porn me Have We ran a price me, Me, me, me. I know, but it's true. And sometimes I feed their souls on their words when they have none. I say I love you without cell. I'm sorry. With our voice. I inspired the quickest of them painters. Poets, pattern makers have been amused to them all and my experience. People underestimate the power of little flower because their life will start with me and it could end without me.