Friendly Guy

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Sincere and trustworthy. Heartfelt and real. Meet the Friendly Guy.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
every single moment of every single day there's someone behind the wheel driving through bad weather not away from it, making sure there's food on grocery store shelves, fuel at the gas pumps, medicines and hospitals and more. Then they turn their trucks around and do it again. So to all the people behind the wheel driving long hours spending time away from your families to bring essential goods. Two hours. Thank you a message from the Manitoba Trucking Association before there can ever be a pipeline before there's ever an entire subdivision you call home before there's a little league ball diamond for your kids to play on. You need a plan, you need experience, you need it built G. B. Construction, a company that makes magic moving dirt, oil and gas, civil works, reclamation, water and sewer. Start with G. B. Construction dot com. Pack light pack right before you jet set somewhere sunnier than here. Make sure you have packed the perfect anti winter wear crocus and ivy presents cruz sandals and throws flip flops. That'll flip your live including miss moves. The beach is calling. You have the answers. Live the beach life, fashionably crocus and ivy instagram and facebook longer days, more sunshine. It's go time. Dutch openers is ready to go it along with you. If you need new tips or the whole opener, Dutch has what you need and we'll bring it all including samples right to your farm tips for any colour of drill, any soil type, any application upgrade to dutch and save with our $5 tips to fit rebate, Book your farm visit at dutch openers dot com today and we're on the way Dutch agriculture on farm for you.