Commercial Demo: Believable, Friendly, Upbeat, Conversational

Radio Ad


A wide variety of popular commercial styles are represented in this demo. From sassy and quirky to that \"she sounds like my best friend\" read - it's warm, relatable, unique, wry, authoritative, classy, sensual and trustworthy. All that in just 60 seconds.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We're not saying that if you go to a concert, you'll find love, employment, oil and fame. But we're not not saying it, Go see for yourself. Some say dogs can't see color, but somehow they see a bad day a mile away, they see a new sister. They see raw talent. The new multiply your instant tickets are here. They can multiply your winnings five times 10 times or even 25 times. What's better than 25 times better. 50 times better before you were born. Your dad wasn't dad, he was frank or Dean or whatever his name was. The point is he was under domesticated Wild Woodbridge by robert Mondavi pairs with cancelled plans with Memory Lane and with rained out afternoons. The journey ends with Star Wars Rebels, the fourth and final season.